So Just What is Singapore Math?

 In Aspire Math Academy, Homework, Singapore Math


The Singapore Math program takes more time to ensure students grasp each concept before moving on. Student’s receive a deeper grasp of the actions they preform in Math by focusing on one topic for a longer period of time. The Math content follows a concrete to pictorial to abstract sequencing. As a result, when students reach algebra, they have already met the core concepts pictorially and will always have that method to fall back on. Like the new BC Curriculum, Singapore Math focuses on students not just learning but truly mastering a limited number of concepts each school year. Gone are the days of spiral teaching and short term Math concept test retention. Students are now expected to understand material on a deeper level. President of Singapore Math, Jeffery Thomas, explains that a component of Singapore’s overwhelming success is the clear cut sequencing of content. He explains that “the sequence of topics in Singapore Math has been very carefully constructed based upon child development theory.” The same can be said about the new BC Curriculum. Your child will now be expected to learn fewer concepts at a working mastery level. Most importantly, The Singapore Math Method provides students with a variety of strategies to problem solve. As opposed to Standard Math, where one strategy is provided per concept. A student who struggles with one method to problem solve is equipped with a variety of different strategies and can achieve Mathematic success through flexibility.

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